TABLE II. Photometric requirements.
Class per SAE J845
Signal Blue
2.3.3 Endurance. Warning lights shall exhibit no electrical or mechanical malfunction, except
lamp failure, after being operated for 500 hours of on-time with a cycle of 25 minutes on, 5
minutes off. If the lamp burns out, the lamp shall be replaced and the test continued.
Subsequently warning lights shall meet the operation requirements of 2.3.1, except the test
duration shall be five minutes.
2.4 Environmental.
2.4.1 Extreme temperature. Warning lights shall meet the requirements of both the high
temperature and low temperature tests of SAE J845.
2.4.2 Vibration. Warning lights shall show no evidence of disintegration of component
materials or assemblies and shall meet the operation requirements of 2.3.1 for 5 minutes after
being subjected to a simple harmonic motion of 0.076 cm (0.152 cm maximum total excursion),
the frequency being varied uniformly between 10 and 30 Hertz (Hz). The entire frequency
range, 10 to 30 Hz and back to 10 Hz, shall be traversed in approximately one minute. This
motion shall be applied for 1 hour in each of three mutually perpendicular axis (total of 3 hours).
Warning lights shall be operated for the last 10 minutes of each hour for each axis.
2.4.3 Shock. Warning lights shall show no evidence of disintegration of component materials or
assemblies after being subjected to 18 induced shocks of sawtooth waveform with an amplitude
of 25g and a duration of 11 milliseconds (ms). Three shocks shall be applied in both directions
of each of three mutually perpendicular axes. Warning lights shall be operated while the shocks
are applied. Subsequently, warning lights shall meet the operation requirements of 2.3.1, except
the test duration shall be five minutes.
2.4.4 Salt fog. Warning lights shall show no evidence of interior or exterior corrosion after
exposure to a 5% salt fog at 95 °F for 96 hours. Warning lights shall be allowed to dry for
48 hours in an ambient environment prior to examination. The 5% salt solution shall have a pH
of 6.5 to 7.2. Subsequently, warning lights shall meet the operation requirements of 2.3.1, except
the test duration shall be five minutes.
2.4.5 Water spray. Warning lights shall meet the requirements of SAE J575 for water spray.
Subsequently, warning lights shall meet the operation requirements of 2.3.1, except the test
duration shall be five minutes.
2.4.6 Electromagnetic interference.
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